The information provided in this tab is valuable. However, it lacks details on the number of pieces per collection a wallet owns at any given time and the quantity the wallet has sold. A helpful suggestion is to incorporate a bar graph. When the bar is full, it indicates that the wallet possesses, for instance, 100/100 NFT pieces. If a wallet's maximum ownership in a particular period is 100, but it has sold 50, the bar should be half-filled, displaying 100/50.
This approach provides insight into the maximum number of pieces the wallet has ever held.
Why is this a beneficial idea? Let's consider two individuals purchasing the same collection at an identical average price. Guy A sold 1 piece for 5 ETH, while Guy B sold 20 pieces for a 5 ETH profit. Guy A might have been fortunate to obtain a rare item, whereas Guy B may have been more strategic or perhaps had additional insights :P.
Nansen may have a similar feature, but I prefer NFTGo for its superior UI, specifically designed for enthusiasts, traders, and collectors like us.